IDEXX Terms and Conditions
North America and EMEA
The following One IDEXX Master Terms apply to all IDEXX products and services in North America and EMEA. The One IDEXX Master Terms include General Terms, Software General Terms, and Offering Specific Terms.
One IDEXX Master Terms (English)
Software Offering General Terms
- Companion Animal In-House Diagnostic Offerings
- Reference Laboratory Services
- Telemedicine Services
- Software Offerings
Conditions générales One IDEXX (Quebec French) (Mise à jour à venir)
Jedno všeobecné obchodní podmínky IDEXX (Czech) (Již brzy, viz anglická verze)
Eén IDEXX Algemene Voorwaarden (Dutch) (Binnenkort beschikbaar, raadpleeg de Engelse versie)
France - Conditions générales One IDEXX (French) (Bientôt disponible, veuillez vous référer à la version anglaise)
Suisse - Conditions générales One IDEXX (French) (Bientôt disponible, veuillez vous référer à la version anglaise)
Deutschland - One IDEXX Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (German)
Österreich - One IDEXX Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (German)
Schweiz - One IDEXX Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (German)
Termini e condizioni generali di One IDEXX (Italian)
One IDEXX Ogólne warunki i postanowienia (Polish) (Wkrótce, prosimy o zapoznanie się z wersją angielską)
Jedno všeobecné podmienky IDEXX a Podmienky (Slovak) (Čoskoro, pozrite si prosím anglickú verziu)
Australia and New Zealand
The following general terms apply to products sales, and software licenses provided by IDEXX to customers located in Australia and New Zealand.
The following additional terms apply to the provision of reference laboratory services by IDEXX Australia/New Zealand reference laboratories.
South America
The following general terms apply to products sales and software licenses provided by IDEXX to customers located in South America.
Asia Pacific
The following terms apply to sales of products and software licenses provided by IDEXX to customers located in Asia Pacific (excluding Australia and New Zealand).
The following terms apply to the provision of reference laboratory services by IDEXX Japan reference laboratories.
- IDEXX 検査サービスご利用条件 (Japanese)
- IDEXX Reference Laboratories Standard Terms and Conditions—Japan (English)
The following terms apply to the provision of reference laboratory services by IDEXX Korea reference laboratories.
Terms for Specific IDEXX Offerings – applicable outside of North America and EMEA
The following IDEXX offerings are subject to the below terms for our customers globally, except for customers in North America and EMEA where such offerings are subject to the One IDEXX Master Terms
ezyVet and Vet Radar (outside North America and EMEA)
VetConnect PLUS (outside North America and EMEA)
- VetConnect PLUS Terms of Service (English)
- VetConnect PLUS 利用規約 (北米以外)(Japanese)
- VetConnect PLUS 서비스 약관 (북미 이외 지역) (Korean)
SmartService (outside North America and EMEA)
- SmartService Terms of Service (English)
- IDEXX SmartService利用規約 (北米以外)(Japanese)
- IDEXX 스마트서비스 서비스 약관 (북미 이외 지역) (Korean)
- 愛德克斯智慧服務服務條款(北美以外)(Chinese traditional)
- IDEXX SmartService 服务条款 (北美以外)(Chinese simplified)
- ข้อกำหนดในการให้บริการ IDEXX SmartService (นอกทวีปอเมริกาเหนือ) (Thai)
- IDEXX SmartService Hizmet Koşulları (Kuzey Amerika dışında) (Turkish)
rVetLink (outside North America and EMEA)
SmartFlow (outside North America and EMEA)
Data Processing Agreement
To the extent applicable under the Local Data Protection Laws identified below, IDEXX acts as a Processor of Personal Data for our service identified in the DPA Schedules below. Our processing activities are described in and subject to the IDEXX Customer Data Processing Agreement.
DPA Schedules
Accord sur le traitement des données et document connexes (French)
Datenverarbeitungsvertrag und zugehöriges Dokumente (German)
Overeenkomst gegevensverwerking en gerelateerde documenten (Dutch)
Smlouva o zpracování údajů a související dokumenty (Czech)
Umowa o przetwarzaniu danych i powiązane dokumenty (Polish)
Acuerdo de Procesamiento de Datos y documentos relacionados (Spanish)
Contrato de Processamento de dados e documentos conexos (Portuguese)
Accordo sul trattamento dei dati e documento correlato (Italian)
The below terms apply globally to our xChek Vet and xChek Lab software offerings in connection with our Livestock Diagnostics business.