
IDEXX Cornerstone Software

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2 End of Period Reporting Tips and a sneak peek at Cornerstone 8.7 NEXT

1. With a variety of reports available it can be hard to remember which ones you prefer to review on a daily, monthly or yearly basis. A simple remedy is to set your favorite end of period reports as “defaults” in your practice default settings. The reports you select will always be highlighted in the end of period report window – making them easier to find!

Simply go to:
Controls > Defaults > Practice and Workstation > End of Period

2. Because end of period reporting is reliant on consistent and regular daily/monthly/yearly closes, you can also select to have your daily and monthly periods close at a designated day/time using the Unattended End of Period feature. Note: End of year MUST be run manually. 

Go to Controls > Defaults > Practice and Workstation > Unattended End of Period. From this window, press F1 for more details!

Sneak peek into Cornerstone 8.7 NEXT:  The Unattended End of Period feature will be even better! It will now run as a service and no longer require a designated workstation for daily and monthly processing. 

Want more information on reporting? Check out the recently published Reporting Learning Journey on the IDEXX Learning Center.

Michelle Campoli, CVT, CVPM

Michelle Campoli, CVT, CVPM

Michelle Campoli loves teaching people how they can do more with Cornerstone. When she’s not sharing her favorite tips and tricks in one of our Cornerstone user group meetings, Michelle enjoys spending time with her husband, cat, and retired greyhounds; playing in her kitchen and volunteering for her local greyhound adoption group.