
IDEXX Cornerstone Software

News and information

How to fix payment errors in Cornerstone

It’s been a busy day, but everything has gone smoothly and you’re about to head home. Then as you check the Daily Deposit report to prepare to run end of day, something is off. Don’t panic, Team Cornerstone is here to help! Let’s dig in on how to find those transactions quickly and get them righted so you can call it a day.

Can’t update an appointment? The culprit could be a special character

Ever been unable to delete, save or update an appointment? Or you couldn’t transfer a PVL to an invoice? The culprit could be an innocent-looking *, #, or & typed into the appointment notes or an item ID. There are dozens of special characters that don’t play well with Windows-based software like Cornerstone. Here’s a list of the character you should avoid, as well as some of the problems you can prevent by not using them. 

Benchmark practice performance with these three Cornerstone reports

With COVID receding but demand for your services higher than ever, it’s the ideal time to benchmark how your business is currently performing and where you’d like to be at this time next year. Let’s look at three key Cornerstone reports that can help you quickly assess your practice's financial health: the Census report, Snapshot reports and the Performance Tracker.

Spring cleaning and Cornerstone housekeeping tips

Spring is just around the corner, even according to Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction. Here are some good housekeeping tips for your Cornerstone software and network.

Update your reminders to avoid a scheduling ripple effect

If you’re like most North American Veterinary practices, you likely saw patient traffic crater between March and May 2020 due to COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, followed by a surge in visits as clients brought pets whose care was overdue as well as new furry family members. As we near March 2021, we recommend reviewing your reminders to ensure this anomaly in patient traffic isn’t inadvertently repeated, and check patient records for pets who may have missed out on preventive care during that period so they don’t get overlooked this year.