
IDEXX Cornerstone Software

News and information

Set-it-and-forget-it end-of-day and end-of-month processing

How often does your end-of-day or end-of-month processing get overlooked and impact your end-of-period reporting? Does having end-of-day and end-of-month processing run on their own sound appealing? You’re in luck: this functionality is vastly improved with Cornerstone 8.7 NEXT Software. It’s now a server-based operation and not reliant on a specific workstation, which can save you time because two of three processes can run unattended (you’ll still need to run end-of-year reporting manually). Read on to learn more about the Cornerstone 8.7 NEXT Software release and how you can upgrade now, and an extra bonus on getting a leg up on your end-of-year reporting!

Did you know?

  • Being on the latest version of Cornerstone software ensures you have the most efficient running software and updated enhancements to avoid practice workflow frustrations. 

What else is in the 8.7 NEXT release?

This release is about saving you time and clicks.

  • If you are MLSD (multiple practices running on one database), and have the same pricing across locations but different tax rates, sales tax can now be selected and applied based on logged on practice, saving clicks per transaction and reducing selection errors.
  • Common lab tasks Add to Order and Manually Enter Results are now available on the Patient Clipboard patient right-click lab menu can you say fewer clicks?
  • Integration with the rVetLink* Referral Management Solution enables referral practices to see and manage incoming referrals and create a new client/patient record with referral history documents in seconds with fewer clicks.
  • A new class/subclass tab on the Invoice Item Setup Tool lets you change the class and subclass for multiple items at once, saving you time and clicks when reorganizing your item list! 
  • Learn more in the Cornerstone 8.7 NEXT release Notes  or the What’s New video

Ready to upgrade? Request Cornerstone 8.7 NEXT now!

One last tip (and a link):

Can’t remember what reports you usually run at end of year? Set them as end-of-period defaults under Controls > Defaults > Practice and Workstation> End of Period. 

This setup also enables you to print the selected group of reports with a single click on the End-of-Day/Month/Year report window

What’s recommended for end of period reporting, you ask? Check out the Cornerstone Report learning journey.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to go on an entire journey to get what you need, you can quickly navigate to the exact information you require and get step-by step instructions. 

Once in the Journey, simply click the menu icon to go to your desired walk-through section:

  • Finding Reports – Basic and Advanced
  • Creating and Running Reports – How do I filter by my personal criteria needs? – Saving and Printing Reports
  • Why Does Information Vary From Report To Report?
  • Frequently Run and other Reports:  Including how to get to the report, data the report shows and what the report looks like.
  • End of Period Reports – A must-have for which reports you need to prepare for end of year!
  • Report quick reference guides 
  • And other reporting resources. Check it out—did we mention it’s free!