
IDEXX Cornerstone Software

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Your laboratory results, in one location

Do you ever run a lab test like an in-house fecal or a glucose on a glucometer and wish the result would appear on the Lab tab of the Patient Clipboard with your other results? You can! Just follow these 3 simple steps for both setup and entry.


1. Define an age group for the appropriate species the lab entry will be made for under Lists > Species > Lab Age Groups.


For simplicity, use a single age range unless you need age specific default test ranges

2. Create a lab template under Activities > Lab Work > Templates


Use ‘In House’ to group other manual entry templates together on the template list

3. Set Default High and Low Values under Activities > Lab Work > Default Test Ranges


1. Go to Activities > Lab Work > Manually Enter Results
2. Enter the patient information and select the correct lab, staff, and template*
3. Enter in the Value field and click OK

* for those of you already using manual lab entry for tests such as bile acid results from an unintegrated lab, use the Chemistry template to access the BILE01, BILE02 and BILE03 tests

Your result is now on the Lab tab of the Patient Clipboard and the Diagnostics tab of the Daily Planner (see examples below). How cool is that? And as always, you can use F1 within Cornerstone for more help.

Michelle Campoli, CVT, CVPM

Michelle Campoli, CVT, CVPM

Michelle Campoli loves teaching people how they can do more with Cornerstone. When she’s not sharing her favorite tips and tricks in one of our Cornerstone user group meetings, Michelle enjoys spending time with her husband, cat, and retired greyhounds; playing in her kitchen and volunteering for her local greyhound adoption group.