LaserCyte Dx Hematology Analyzer
Comprehensive, real-time hematology results
- Access reference laboratory-quality technology in real time with your in-house laboratory.
- See comprehensive results, including a true five-part white blood cell differential, absolute reticulocyte count, body fluid analysis capabilities and more.
- Save training time with ease of use, onboard mixing system, automated sample aspiration and efficient single-sample reagents.
- Automate your work flow with the IDEXX VetLab Station.
Test menu
24 Whole-blood parameters*
RBC (red blood cell count)
HCT (hematocrit)
HGB (hemoglobin)
RETIC (% and #) (reticulocyte count,
percentage of reticulocytes)
MCV (mean cell volume)
RDW (red blood cell distribution width)
MCH (mean cell hemoglobin)
MCHC (mean cell hemoglobin
PLT (platelet count)
MPV (mean platelet volume)
PDW (platelet distribution width)
PCT (platelet hematocrit)
WBC (white blood cell count)
Monocytes (% and #)
Lymphocytes (% and #)
Neutrophils (% and #)
Eosinophils (% and #)
Basophils (% and #)
Abdominal/Thoracic and synovial fluid parameters*
Learn more about these parameters:
LaserCyte Dx Hematology Analyzer Operator’s Guide
Order LaserCyte Dx supplies now

Run a test in just three simple steps
- Identify the patient to initiate the sample run on the IDEXX VetLab Station.
- Place the sample and CBC5R tubes in the LaserCyte Dx Analyzer.
- Tap the Run button and walk away.
That’s it! Results are ready in just minutes for next steps and sharing with clients during the patient visit.

Laser Flow Cytometry
The LaserCyte Dx Hematology Analyzer uses reference laboratory technology to analyze blood samples. The analyzer focuses a laser beam on each individual cell and quantifies the scatter of light on four separate detectors.
Simultaneously, the analyzer measures the amount of time it takes a cell to travel through the laser beam. This cell travel time is referred to as the “time of flight” and it provides data on the diameter of the cell.
The four detectors quantify the scatter of light from each cell to measure size, complexity, granularity and light absorption—the same qualities a pathologist would examine when looking at a blood film.

Dimensions & weight
Width: 13.9 in (35.3 cm)
Depth: 13.6 in (34.4 cm)
Height: 12.3 in (33.2 cm)
Weight: approximately 28.6 lb (13 kg)
View full technical specifications:
LaserCyte Dx Hematology Analyzer Operator’s Guide
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Simplify your work flow
Manage all your analyzers from a single screen via the IDEXX VetLab Station Laboratory Information Management System.
We’re here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Customer Service: 1-800-248-2483
Manuals & resources
Access LaserCyte Dx Hematology Analyzer manuals, quick reference guides, sample preparation posters and more.
IDEXXCare Plus
Keeping your practice up-to-date and running smoothly is the IDEXXCare Plus promise. We’re at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you deliver the best veterinary care and customer experiences possible.
IDEXX Test Promise
IDEXX customers enjoy hassle-free returns for unopened, expired products.† In addition, if an IDEXX test does not perform as promised , just call us and we’ll credit your IDEXX Points account with 100% of the test’s value.
Order tests & supplies
Learn more about ordering direct from IDEXX and order your in-house tests and supplies today.
*The number of reported parameters may vary according to species (e.g., reticulocytes are not reported for equine species).
†Credit available for unopened tests in the form of a discount on a replacement order or IDEXX Points at IDEXX discretion when ordered direct from IDEXX.