Detect cancer before clinical signs appear.
Introducing the Nu.Q Vet Cancer Test*, a simple and affordable cancer test that detects 7 common canine cancers at an overall detection rate of 49.8%.1
Cancer is the leading cause of death in adult dogs.2
Early detection gives you information and a fighting chance for effective treatment.
1 in 4
dogs in the U.S. will be diagnosed with
cancer in their lifetime.³
of pet owners globally consider their pet a part of their family.⁴
Now you can include the accessible and affordable Nu.Q Vet Cancer Test along with routine preventive care diagnostics.
The Nu.Q Vet Cancer Test detects 7 common canine cancers at an overall detection rate of 49.8%.*1
*At 97% specificity.
INCLUDING DETECTION RATES OF • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
- Minimally invasive (2–5 mL LTT blood specimen), affordable, and quick turnaround in 1–4 days
- Detects circulating nucleosomes released by cancer cells using capture ELISA
- Comprehensive support from IDEXX throughout your patient’s cancer diagnosis and treatment
- Results in VetConnect PLUS for a holistic view of your patients’ health
IDEXX recommends a cancer screening test for all dogs over the age of 7 as well as younger dogs ages 4 and older with an increased risk of cancer in these breeds:
- Labrador retriever
- French bulldog
- Golden retriever
- German shepherd
- Beagle
- Rottweiler
- Boxer
- Pembroke Welsh corgi
- Great Dane
- Miniature schnauzer
- Siberian husky
- Bernese mountain dog
- Mastiff
- Irish wolfhound
- Flat-coated retriever
- Scottish wolfhound
Order your Nu.Q Vet Cancer Test
Nu.Q Vet Cancer Test (test code 8993)
For cancer, this may include one or more of the following: 3-view chest radiographs, ultrasonography, computed tomography, MRI, or endoscopy. Appropriate specimens should be collected for pathology testing to achieve a definitive cancer diagnosis.
Follow these steps to ensure accuracy in specimen processing
Patient must fast for a minimum of 4 hours prior to blood collection.
Draw 2–5 mL of blood from peripheral vein.
Immediately fill lavender-top tube (LTT; EDTA) with the blood specimen.
Centrifuge the specimen within 60 minutes of collection (1,600 x g for 10 minutes).
Transfer spun plasma specimen to a nonadditive tube (be careful to not disturb buffy coat).
Store the specimen in a refrigerator, and ship it with a cold pack to IDEXX Reference Laboratories using your clinic’s routine submission method.
View results in VetConnect PLUS alongside preventive care diagnostics for a holistic view of a patient’s health.
An IDEXX team of experts dedicated to your success
Guiding you through each step of the cancer-care journey, our board-certified specialists offer direct live access and personalized guidance.
Enroll in IDEXX Preventive Care Simple Start today
Let us help you incorporate cancer screening into your preventive care guidelines simply and seamlessly.
Speak with an IDEXX Veterinary Diagnostic Consultant to learn more.
Please complete the form below to get started.
* Nu.Q, Nucleosomics and Volition are trademarks of VolitionRx Limited and its subsidiaries. The Nu.Q Vet Cancer Test is supplied by Belgian Volition SRL.
- Wilson-Robles HM, Bygott T, Kelly TK, et al. Evaluation of plasma nucleosome concentrations in dogs with a variety of common cancers and in healthy dogs. BMC Vet Res. 2022;18(1):329. doi:10.1186/s12917-022-03429-8
- Fleming JM, Creevy KE, Promislow DE. Mortality in North American dogs from 1984 to 2004: an investigation into age-, size-, and breed-related causes of death. J Vet Intern Med. 2011;25(2):187–198. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2011.0695.x
- What are the most common types of cancers in dogs? How many dogs typically get cancer? Veterinary Cancer Society; 2021. Accessed December 22, 2022.
- International survey of pet owners & veterinarians. Human Animal Bond Research Institute. January 16, 2022. Accessed December 22, 2022.